Gospel Topics Guide.

Gospel Topics Aims


Thank you for registering for Gospel Topics. Gospel Topics is the project of Audrey Gray, Creative Projects Manager and Music Industry Consultant at industrydeveloper.com 

Gospel Topics aims to encourage open dialogue on wide range of music industry topics to develop the overall gospel music industry and creative arts.

Gospel Topics Objectives


Our objective is to discuss the issues that hinder the development of the industry and explore many solutions through troubleshooting, and problem-solving to empower individuals, groups, and organisations. 

I look forward to your contributions as we attempt to impact change, build momentum and develop the industry to a more sustainable environment.

Gospel Topics Guidelines

Meeting Guidelines.

Gospel Topics is run by Christian hosts focused on improving business models and addressing issues that influence the gospel music and creative industries.

We attract Christians and non-Christians interested in industry development, we ask that Christians come already prayed up and be sensitive to the overall interaction.

Our meetings environment promotes respectful communication among all those participating. 

Gospel Topics Sessions

Meeting Recordings.

Where possible sessions are recorded, written statements or captions from the sessions may be used for promotional purposes, names not included. Session audio may also be used, those featured will be contacted before public distribution.

Gospel Topics Outcomes


This proactive way of gathering experiences and insight continues to be instrumental in developing solutions for our music community. One practical way this is already supporting the community is by producing โ€˜Gospel Topics Findingsโ€™.

Based on Gospel Topics discussions, written findings are developed into reports made public to provide insight for future projects and investments.

Thank you in advance for supporting and contributing to the Gospel Topics project.

Gospel Topics Connected

Connect & Serve.

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